Creating a ShapeShift wallet only takes a few steps and can be accomplished in 5 minutes or less!
Setting Up A ShapeShift Wallet
1. Go to and click "Connect Wallet".
2. You can either click "ShapeShift" from the list of wallets followed by "Create a new wallet" or simply click "Create one" at the bottom of the list of wallets.
3. After selecting the option to create a new wallet, you will be given your 12 word recovery sentence. Click "Show Words" to reveal the 12 words. Be sure to write this down and store the 12 words in a secure place. Failing to backup your recovery sentence will put your funds at risk of being permanently lost. After writing down your recovery sentence, click "Next".
4. Verify that you have correctly written down your recovery sentence by clicking the correct word from the list. It will ask you for verify 3 words from your recovery sentence.
5. Enter a name for your wallet (optional) and a password. Note: ShapeShift cannot help you recover your password if you forget it. Click "Next".
6. That's it! You have successfully created a ShapeShift wallet and it should now be connected to